




One spelling mistake can destroy your life. A Husband sent this to his wife:I'm having a wonderful time wish you were her."
Staying in love with someone even if you know you can't be together in future is like standing in rain you know you will be sick but still you stand.
Dear Heart, See? This is what happens when you try to make decisions on your own. Sincerely, Brain.
Sometimes you have to give up on someone in order to respect yourself rather than keep accepting things and words you don't really deserve.
~ Give, but do not allow yourself to be used; Love,but do not allow your heart to be abused;Trust,but do not be naive;Listen to others, but do not lose yourself


In i duschen, sen kanske kolla film innan man somnar! Godnatt
if you're worried that I might take revenge on you, well don't worry. Panic instead, cause I already did, you just don't know it yet
Sometimes the hardest decision to make is the one that is best for you. But in the end you have to trust your heart to do what is right.

tråkigt värre

Do you know what's worst with Sunday? Knowing that tomorrow is Monday.
Shhhh, I'm hiding from Monday...
I never said that I hated you. I just meant that,if you were on fire,I might consider roasting marshmallows. Big difference.
When someone sees you crying, and ask: "Are you sad?" Punch them in the face, and ask: "Are you okay?"


Bruka den begåvning du fått. Skogen skulle vara mycket tyst om inga andra fåglar sjöng än de som sjunger bäst.
Om du tänker för länge på nästa steg, kommer du att tillbringa livet på ett ben
Ta inte livet alltför allvarligt - du kommer i alla fall aldrig ifrån det levande.

En borde inte sova, när natta faller på! 
En borde si på stjärnera... 
En borde vara två. 
 (Jeremias i Tröstlösa) 



Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy. In some cases, it simply means that you're a strong girl. ツ"
Having guy friends means: No drama, no betrayal, no jealousy, and they're straight up. They're like your brothers, and got your back,
never waste your time on someone who doesn't even bother wasting time for you. Be with someone who will say "TIME IS WASTED IF I'M NOT WITH YOU!"
Wanna know what's weird? It's when you're still communicating with the person you need to forget.
People are made to be loved and money is made to be used. The confusion in the world is.. Money is being loved and people are being used
The Most Powerful Words In Relationships>> It's Not "I LOVE U" Not "I AM WITH U" Not "I WOULD DIE 4 U" It's Simply "I CAN UNDERSTAND U".
Everything happens for a reason. That reason causes change. Sometimes the change hurts. Sometimes the change is hard. But in the end its all for the best.
Don't worry about in love, because in fairy tales the princess doesn't find her prince, until the last page,
You are responsible for your own happiness. If you expect others to make you happy, you will always be disappointed.
Never leave something good to find something better, because once you realize you had the best, the best has found better..


Ju sämre självförtroende man har, desto duktigare försöker man vara,
 och ju duktigare man är, 
desto större risk för att kollapsa."'
"Bakom varje klagomål finns ett önskemål."
”Människor misslyckas sällan eller aldrig,
 de upphör bara med att försöka.” 
”Om man är osäker på sig själv, men försöker att ge sken av att vara säker,
uttrycker man en osanning, det vill säga man går emot sig själv.”
"Att vara vänlig även när man inte känner sig vänlig är vänlighet;
 att handla modigt när man inte känner sig modig är mod;
 att handla beslutsamt när man känner sig förvirrad är klarhet.


I'm the type of girl who trips on the floor, yells at the floor, then laughs about it. I need a guy who runs into walls, asks who put it there, then punches it.''
Dear Boys, Treat your girlfriend how you would like someone to treat your own daughter Sincerely,
Best advice in two lines: "Silence is the best answer for all questions" "Smiling is the best reaction in all situations"
レo√乇 the レif乇 you レi√乇, レiv乇 the レif乇 you レo√乇!!
Dear Monday, please be so kind and ask Tuesday to sms Wednesday to email Thursday and ask Friday to move a bit FASTER!!!
What is love? In math, a problem. In history, a battle. In science, it's a reaction. In art, it's a heart. But to me? Love always will and simply be, you.
Life is like a book. Some chapters sad, some happy, and some exciting. But if you never turn the page... you will never know what the next chapter holds.
Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot.
There's a difference between Friends & best friends. if Ur upset a friend comes and hugs you.A best friend comes with a gun and says, alright who am i shooting?
I'm wiser because of my mistakes, I'm happier because of my sad times, & I'm stronger because of my hard times!
Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself, "Where the hell did I meet these crazy people?" 
One day, love and friendship met. Love asked, Why do you exist when I already exist? Friendship smiled and said,To put a smile where you leave tears
Some relationships are like Tom & Jerry. They tease each other, knock each other down, irritate each other, hate each other but can't live without each other.


Never go back into an old love to many time, no matter how strong it is, because it's like reading a book over and over again when you already know how it end's...
Everybody has a story to tell.. And if you just take time to listen.. You'll be surprised what they've been through. Live and let live.
When you lose something.. It just means one thing: You deserve something better.
Don't raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were.
I don't regret the choices I've made. Whether they were good or bad, right or wrong-those choices led me to where I am today-and I am right where I want to be


Lär dig kyssas bra. Det kan få din fru att glömma, att du aldrig bar ut soporna.
Kärleken är en sjukdom som inte kan döljas. Ett ord, ett ögonkast, ja till och med tystnaden förråder den.
Det är omöjligt att älska och vara vis på samma gång


I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. I'm not crying, I'm wondering. I'm not falling, I'm wishing.


Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder. Let the challenges make you strong.
If anyone matters in life it's yourself! Don't change who you are to make someone else happy! If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it!
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